Saorsa Studio Project Proposal

Dear [CLIENT FIRST NAME], Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me and share your vision for [CLIENT COMPANY]. I love how passionate you are about your business and [XXXXX]. I’d be delighted to partner with you on bringing your website to life! In my proposals, I try to ensure that I address each of your needs with a solution. From our discussion, these are the four key objectives I would be working towards:

  1. 1. Develop a conversion focused web strategy to promote your business
  2. 2. Design and build your website so it is professional, engaging, and matches your brand vision
  3. 3. Increase conversions and leads by implementing [newsletter sign up fields and forms/social media templates/blog/promotional offers]
  4. 4. Train you and your team how to manage the site post-launch

Based on our discussions, I will design and develop the following pages:

What follows is a full breakdown of the project scope and deliverables.

Stage One: Website Planning & Strategy

Before we even begin to think about the design, colours or aesthetic, your website project begins with a thorough, up-front process of discovery. Through video calls and questionnaires, we’ll discuss the website: • Purpose • Goals • Target audience • Requirements • Deliverables • Brand identity • Features and functionality I’ll also do some competitor research and analysis along with uncovering what makes your business unique. Your projects success depends on a solid foundation and this work is crucial. At the end of this stage, I’ll provide you with a sitemap (visual structure of your website pages and hierarchy).

Stage Two: Content Gathering

All content for the website is to be provided by you. Examples of content you’ll need to provide are as follows: - Copy for all website pages (I can provide you with prompts and guidance for this) - All imagery/videography - Testimonials/reviews - FAQ’s - Downloadable assets/documents

Please note that if you are starting the above from scratch, you will need to dedicate a significant portion of your own time collating and organising your content. Do not underestimate how long these items can take, particularly if you are not working with a copywriter/photographer/assistant etc. If you will be working on your content alone and have no idea where to start, don’t worry! I can help guide you through the process and we will work on a timeline together to ensure this can be completed in manageable pieces.

It’s also important to note that I work on a content first design basis. This means that I do not start any design work (Stage Three) until all of your content is ready. There are a number of reasons why I adopt this approach, some of which are as follows: - Your website is designed correctly and adapted specifically to the content from the get-go. This means fewer revisions and is more cost-effective and efficient. - By working content first and design second, it allows you to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it, without being distracted by where it’s laid out on each page. - Rather than using placeholder or dummy text and images, I can build your site straight away around SEO and HTML best practice. As much as I know that the design is the most exciting part (and it certainly is one of the best parts of having a custom coded site!), it allows both of us to make more informed decisions based on everything we uncovered in Stage One. The end goal is far more strategic, and you end up with a website that is much more than just a ‘pretty face’.

Stage Three: Design

Using everything I’ve learned in the discovery phase and along with your completed content, I’ll get to work creating your website design. This stage will include the following: - 2 custom moodboard concepts (via Pinterest boards – we can collaborate on these together) - Full design mockups of all feature pages (created via Adobe XD) - 2 rounds of major revisions Your design will be unique to your business and setup for maximum conversion. There will be opportunities to refine and tweak before I get started on the build.

Stage Four: Development

Once you have approved the final design, I’ll get started on building your website! I design and code to the highest of standards and always keep up with industry best practices. More than half of all web traffic comes from via mobile devices, and I create a separate mobile and tablet design of your site that ensures a consistent brand experience. This will be accomplished by making your site “responsive” to various browser sizes. Your website will be: - Cross-browser tested in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox & Safari - Device tested on an iPhone, iPad & Android phone At the end of this stage, your website will be added to a temporary domain for you to review.

Stage Five: Training & Launch

I’ll walk you through how to use the content management system (Cloudcannon) where you will have the ability to change your content as often as you like. We will have a one (1) hour platform video call training covering: - Basic website management & blog - How best to manage your site going forward - How we can collaborate together in the future This training will be recorded emailed to you for future reference. Once you’re all set with learning the ins and outs, it’s time to launch your site and share it with the world! I’ll be on hand to help with the technical side, including helping you transfer or set up your DNS to point to your new website.

Google Analytics

As part of all my website packages, I include the set up of Google Analytics. This is configured for GA4 (the latest version of Analytics). Without a platform such as Analytics, it makes it incredibly difficult to measure your website’s success. You’ll be able to view where your visitors are coming from, which pages people spend the most time on, how long people are visiting your site and SO much more. You’ll be provided with a custom dashboard which makes your reports easy to read at a glance. We will have a one (1) hour platform video call training covering: - Overview of the platform - Overview of custom dashboard - How to analyse your data This training will be recorded and emailed to you for future reference.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

In addition to your website needing to convert visitors into qualified leads, your site needs to attract more qualified traffic. You can be assured that your website will be built according to SEO best practice, including the below: o Optimisation of page titles, URL’s and headings o Page optimisation for social media sharing o Ensuring fast loading time o Meta descriptions o Image optimisation o Mobile responsive o Google XML o Robots.txt

Pricing & Timeline

Website research, design & development and Analytics set up


Security, backups, hosting & CMS access

£150.00 (annually)

Website policies generator

£80.00 (annually) (to third party)

I estimate that your project will take between 8-10 weeks to complete. Unplanned components, ideas, revisions, and project scope can happen - when there is an unexpected event that will incur a cost, you will be notified ahead of time and work will not start until you provide clear approval for increased budget and timeline.

Optional Extras

I also offer the following additional extras. You may like to consider these now, or in the future after your website project is complete: - 12 week in depth SEO strategy and optimisation (minimal input from you required) - Professional proofreading - Custom email address set-up - Google Ads (by PPC specialist) - Social media o Custom Instagram links page o Branded Instagram templates o Social media launch assets to promote your website o Branded newsletter template

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